Additional Information
This item is manufactured in India under high standards of fair-trade practices. The manufacturer is accredited by IFAT (International Fair Trade Association). This supplier is the result of a non profit regional development program managed by Franciscan nuns and is attached to a convent employing 120 young women either disabled or from disadvantaged castes.
These women aged from 19 to 25 years benefit from excellent working conditions. They also receive training and earn more than 3 times the average local salary. They also receive free boarding.
For each order our supplier provides additional bonuses for the convent such as everyday equipment.
Under fair-trade conditions all orders are prepaid pre production and our supplier reinvest a large part of its profits for social programs to support the convent and help a larger proportion of the population in need.
:: Why Organic Cotton?
While cotton is often described as the Natural Fibre, its production using high levels of chemicals, pesticides and water, is the most polluting in the world. The impact on wildlife, environment and health of workers, as well as the increased of GM cotton crops, are major concerns.
Organic cotton is grown without chemicals, encouraging sustainable farming methods and it is also healthier to wear.
When buying organic cotton you show your commitment not only to the environment, but also to ethical consumerism and to fairer trading conditions for small farmers.
Sexy Organic Cotton Nightdress
Labels: Cotton Nightdress, Sleeveless Nightdresses